My name is Selena and I'm 18 years old




Black/African American;Hispanic/Latino



Very friendly, Selena is known for her great sense of humor. Art is very important to her and she envisions being an artist when she grows up. She participates in a variety of artistic pursuits including painting, coloring, and drawing. It’s no surprise that art is one of her favorite classes in school. She also likes science. In her spare time, Selena enjoys watching television and swimming. Selena dreams of having a permanent family with “people who love me,” she says. She would like an active family, either two--parent or a single mom, and other children in the home. Selena loves dogs and hopes the family would have some pets.

Learn more about Selena

Favorite hobbies

Painting, coloring, drawing, gimp and yarn crafts.

When I grow up

I want to be an artist.

I’m happiest when

I receive a gift or do something fun.

What I’m looking for in a family

People who will love me unconditionally.

Meet Selena's Siblings

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Selena's Story

Selena's Story

Would you like to make Selena part of your family?

To adopt Selena, you need to work with an adoption agency in your state and complete your home study. If you haven’t gotten this far in your process yet, we can connect you with an agency that can help.

If this is the first time you’re considering adopting from foster care, here’s a great guide on what to expect.