Damien is a talkative youth who has a bit of a competitive streak. He loves gaming and even was part of the esports team at a local college. He also likes to play and watch football and basketball. Damien likes to keep himself busy. He’s always up for a board game or rounding up friends for a paintball game. He also does well in school. Damien’s real passion is luxury sports cars and performance vehicles. He hopes to have a garage full of cars and is willing to work hard to afford them. That said, he is unsure what he would like to do as a career, but he does know he wants to go to college. He likes electronics and is a talented gamer, so there are many paths open to him. What he does know is that he would like the support and guidance of family to help him navigate the path to adulthood. He loves animals, especially big dogs!
Favorite hobbies
I like sports, especially basketball and football, both as a spectator and to play them. I also love videogaming.
When I grow up
I'm still thinking about what to be when I grow up, maybe the military, maybe work with electronics, maybe do something in e-sports. I do wish to go to college.
I’m happiest when
When I say "I win!" while I am active and competing in a sport or playing a boardgame.
What I’m looking for in a family
My ideal family is a traditional set of parents or a single female or a female couple. I would like to have a permanent family who would guide me into adulthood and beyond.