My name is Alexander and I'm 17 years old





New Jersey

What sticks out about Alex is how friendly and inquisitive he is, and how he views everything so wondrously. He will approach you with a smile, which he wears most of the time, and answer your questions with questions of his own, responding often with a delightful, squealing laugh and remark that often catches you off-guard. He’s one of a kind, and in a good way. While Alex also likes his alone time, he engages well with a group, including with his peers, and the adults and staff in his life. He desires to work in a helping profession one day, and his dream-day includes a nice visit with people he loves, whether they be with his workers, professionals, or especially his siblings. His growing collection of matchbox cars brings him hours of entertainment as well. Just a great youth!

Learn more about Alexander

Favorite hobbies

Playing the guitar, playing cards, playing with my car collection and playing sports like kickball or football.

When I grow up

I hope to one day work in a helping profession.

I’m happiest when

I am engaged with my Matchbox car collection.

What I’m looking for in a family

I just want a nice family.

Meet Alexander's Siblings

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Alexander's Story

Alexander's Story

Would you like to make Alexander part of your family?

To adopt Alexander, you need to work with an adoption agency in your state and complete your home study. If you haven’t gotten this far in your process yet, we can connect you with an agency that can help.

If this is the first time you’re considering adopting from foster care, here’s a great guide on what to expect.